Our Accreditions

Our Accreditions

Sustainable manufacturing is the creations of manufactured products through economically – sound process that minimises negative environmental aspects while conserving energy and natural resources, Sustainable manufacturing also enhances Employee, Community and Product Safety. Alpha Organics Clothing India. Recognises the garment manufacturing is one of the most environmental damaging and harmful industrial sectors on the planet since mid 19th Century when the Synthetic dyes for Clothing and Textiles Dyeing and Green Revolutions introduced in Agricultural Farming, and takes decisive and often pioneering steps towards addressing the many negative impacts, Starting with sourcing of Rawmaterials we ensures traceability of all fibers, choosing low impact cotton, Tencel Lyocell, Bamboo, Modal, Hemp, Recycled Polyester of PET Bottles, 100% Organic Cotton, Fair-trade Certified cotton, Recycled Cotton with Recycled Blends,

Additionaly We can supply all this with completely Dyed with 100% Natural Extracts from Plants, Vegetables, Fruits as well, People claim this in different names as Natural Dyed, Vegetable Dyed, Plant Dyed and few people call it as Ayurvedic Dyes and Herbal Dyes…But we simply call it as NATURAL DYES or PLANT DYES

ALPHA ORGANICS CLOTHING INDIA has been audited by GCL INTERNATIONAL, A accreditted Partner of Global Organic Textiles Standard and they have certified us with License number GCL-301311, its valid till October 2022, you can look at our complete scope in GOTS using following link https://www.global-standard.org/find-suppliers-shops-and-inputs/certified-suppliers/database/search. The AIM of the standard is to define world wide recognised requirements that ensure Organic Status of Textiles, from harvesting of the rawmaterials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing upto labelling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end comsumer.Textile Processors and Manufacturers are enabled to export their Organic Fibres and Garments with one Certification accepted in all major markets. Approved are Natural Fibres that are certified organic and fibres from conversion period certified according to recognised international or national standards and certified by any IFOAM accredited or internationally recognised certifier. Key criteria for processing and manufacturing including environmental, technical quality, human toxicity, Social and Quality assurance system www.global-standard.org

ALPHA ORGANICS CLOTHING INDIA has been audited by GCL INTERNATIONAL, A accreditted Partner of Organic Content Standard and they have certified us with License number GCL-4OC301311/OCS-2021-1, its valid till October 2022, you can look at our complete scope in GOTS website using following link https://www.global-standard.org/find-suppliers-shops-and-inputs/certified-suppliers/database/search. The Goal of the Organic Content Standard(OCS) to ensure trust in organic cotton claims, OCS accomplishes this goal by verifying the presence the amount of organic material in a final product.It provides a strong chain of custody system from the source of the organic raw material to the final product through certification. It allows for Transparent, Consistent, Comprehensive independent evaluation and verification of organic material content claims on products by accredited certification body, As a B2B tool – OCS may be used to ensure the products companies purchase actually contain organic material.. Standard does not cover the certification of raw material itself, which is verified independently of the production process certification, it also doesn’t address processing inputs (e.g. chemicals), environmental aspects of processing(e.g. energy or water usage), Social issues, Safety issues or Legal Compliance www.textileexchange.org


ALPHA ORGANICS CLOTHING INDIA is in touch with ICEA, A accreditted Partner of Global Recycle Standard to get a Valid License, Since we are moving into a new phase, Preliminary process of audit is going on and expecting a complete GRS License by end of MAY 2020.The Global Recycled Standard is an International, Voluntary, Full Product Standard that sets requirement of Third Party Certification of the Recycled Content from Pre and Post Consumer Waste, Chain Of Custody, Social and environmental Practices and Chemical Restrictions. The GRS is intended to meet the need of companies looking to Verify the recycled content of their products(both Intermediate and finished products) and to verify responsible social, environmental and chemical practices in the production of these products. The Objective of GRS is to define requirements to ensure accurate content claims, good working conditions and that harmful environmental and chemical impacts are minimised. The GRS addresses the flow of Products within and between companies and covers manufacturing, storage, handling and shipping. The GRS applies to the SUPPLY CHAIN including all owners upto the final seller in the last B2B transaction


We have Adopted a Robust Policy with regard to the following minimum and social responsibility criteria:

  • No Use of CHILD LABOUR
  • Safe and Healthy Working Conditions
  • Legal Labour Contracts
  • Payment of Living Wages
  • Freedom of Association and the right to collective bargaining
  • No Discrimination against employees
  • No Excessive hours of Work

All the Products of Fair-trade will be displaying the Fair-trade mark are produced from cotton that is FAIRTRADE Certified and Sourced from Fair-trade producers, The Fair-trade Max Havelaar Cotton mark means the cotton has been produced by Small Scale Farmer Organisations or Plantations that meet Fair-trade Social, Economic and Environmental Standards. The Standards include protection of workers rights and the environment, payment of the Fair-trade minimum price and on Additional Fair-trade Premium to invest in business of community Projects

Fairwear Foundation are independent, non profit organisation striving to improve working conditions in the textiles industry, the Foundations is an initiative by trade organisations in the Textiles Sector, Trade Unions and NGO’s. Fair Wear Foundation verifies that member companies implement a Code of Labour Practice along their supply chain and checks compliance by monitoring audits and the remediation efforts, Annual reporting my member companies and by FWF itself promotes transparency at all levels.


ALPHA ORGANICS CLOTHING INDIA Manufacture under organic textiles standards are PETA – Approved by Vegan by PeTA Foundation (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

Vegan Fashion – Clothes that contain no leather, fur, wool, skins or any other animal – derived fabric is revolutionising the way that we shop and dress. As More and More People vow never to clothe themselves in cruelty, retailers and designers are meeting the demand for animal – friendly clothes in style. www.peta.org.uk/living/peta-approved-vegan


ALPHA ORGANICS CLOTHING INDIA is working out with Shirley Technologies to get the OEKO Tex Standard 100 Certification for all our products and we implement it from the day one.

The OEKO-Tex Standard 100 Is an independent testing and certification system for textile raw materials, intermediates and end products at all stages of production. The Testing for harmful substances always focuses on the actual use of the textiles. The More intensive the skin contact of a product, the stricter the human ecological requirements to be met. We want ours to meet Class 1 Criteria for textiles items for babies and Toddlers upto Three years, the highest of four classes of certification.

The Certified articles fulfil the requirements of Anne VI of REACH (Incl. the use of Azo-Dyes, Nickel etc.) as well as the American requirement regarding the total content of lead in children articles. This Confirmity is verified by Audits www.oeko-tex.com


ALPHA ORGANICS CLOTHING INDIA have written to Carbon Trust to get into a membership to calculate the carbon footprint and place the carbon label on textile products.

We would like to reduce the Carbon footprint of all our Products(based on clients requirement) by 90% through a combination of innovative product design, low impact organic agriculture, efficient in manufacturing and by replacing standard grid electricity with renewable wind power, We do not use carbon offsets and our footprint calculations were certified by the Carbon Trust Certifications in UK.

It has been calculated that in a Single T shirt and Shirt save around 7 Kilograms and 11 Kilograms of CO2e resepectively, whereas a hooded sweatshirt and Trouser saves upto 28 Kgs.

Having taken the greenhouse gas emissions to Pre-Industrial levels, all the requested products under this label will carry this certification.